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 1 December 1998

 Parliaments of EU member countries

Present EU situation and the resulting national Parliaments' tasks in relation to the democratisation process and institutional reform

 28 february 1997

 Parliaments of EU member countries

National Parliaments' stands on current negotiations in the IGC framework

 19 aprile 1995

 Parliaments of EU member countries

Participation of national Parliaments in the debate on the amendment of the Maastricht Treaty in view of the IGC

 12 September 1994

 Participation of national Parliaments in EU institutional reform

Partecipazione dei Parlamenti nazionali nelle riforme istituzionali dell'UE

 11 aprile 1994

 Cooperation among Parliaments; establishment of a "European mediator"; enlargement, democracy and transparency; establishment of a group of expert for the IGC

Cooperazione tra Parlamenti; istituzione di un "mediatore europeo"; allargamento, democrazia e trasparenza; costituzione di un gruppo di esperti per la CIG

 20 December 1993

 Parliaments of EU member countries

Cooperation among Parliaments; procedures and competence of Presiding Officers' Conferences; current issues and enlargement

 3 aprile 1992

 Parliaments of EU member countries

Examination of the Maastricht Treaty; procedures and time schedule for ratification

 6 December 1991

 Parliaments of EU member countries

Comparison between the final declaration of the Conference of EU Parliaments held in Rome on 30 November 1990 and the draft Treaties submitted by the Luxembourg and Netherlands Chairs; memorandum presented by Presidents Nothomb, Süssmuth and Fabius on some points adopted in Rome on 30 November; coordination of debates on Treaty amendments within Parliaments

 20 September 1990

 Parliaments of EU member countries

Preparation of the European Assizes