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 5-6 May 2000

 Parliaments of the member countries of the Council of Europe

"Complementary role of European national Parliaments and parliamentary assemblies in view of the construction of a great democratic Europe" Organising cooperation among national Parliaments, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the other European assemblies in the drafting and enforcement of European legislation; role of Parliaments in the fight against organised crime and corruption

 21-22 May 1999

 Parliaments of EU member countries

"Consequences of globalisation for the future of EU national Parliaments and of the European Parliament"; Quality of legislation and legislative streamlining in European democracy; Parliaments, freedom of information and protection of data; scope and objectives of interparliamentary cooperation; models and organisation of cooperation, with special regard to the Presiding Officers' Conference

 12-13 June 1998

 Parliaments of the member countries of the Council of Europe

National Parliaments and enlargement; role of national Parliaments with a view to adding a parliamentary dimension to the U.N. activity; European Parliament and enlargement

 6-7 June 1997

 Parliaments of EU member countries

National Parliaments and EU institutions; improvement of legislation quality and other means to establish a closer relationship between EU and citizens; EU enlargement and the role of the Parliaments of applicant countries

 7-9 June 1996

 Parliaments of the member countries of the Council of Europe

Role of Parliaments in the construction and the functioning of democracy in a market economy; role of Parliaments in solving social problems in the context of a market economy; cooperation among Parliaments, with special regard to the EU Inter-Governmental Conference

 12-13 May 1995

 Parliaments of EU member countries

Development of parliamentary control after Maastricht; preparatory work in view of the Inter-Governmental Conference

 23-24 June 1994

 Parliaments of the member countries of the Council of Europe

"Is democracy threatened in Europe?"
The media as a power factor in the political field; Parliament as a faithful mirror of the people; tools to improve parliamentary control

 28-29 May 1993

 Parliaments of EU member countries

Report of the Presiding Officers' working group on: control of EU powers and cooperation between national Parliaments and the European Parliament; debate on principles and procedures concerning the Conferences of Presiding Officers; enlargement; enforcement of the treaty; Parliaments' contributions on immigration policies in the EU; harmonisation of parliamentary rules and constitutional texts in relation with the EU integration process; establishment of a common foreign and defence policy

 20-22 february 1992

 Parliaments of the member countries of the Council of Europe

Parliamentary democracy as a condition for peace and cooperation among nations, with special reference to: the transition to a multi-party parliamentary democracy; cooperation among the Parliaments of Europe (Western Europe and Central-Eastern Europe); the parliamentary dimension of European cooperation and integration

 9-11 May 1991

 Parliaments of EU member countries

Parliaments and the new EU prospects, with particular regard to the Inter-Governmental Conferences on economic, monetary and political union; Parliaments and environmental issues; accountability and role of EU Parliaments in the development of new political structures in Europe - taking into account regions - with a special reference to the Conference of the Presiding Officers of CSCE Parliaments

 7-9 June 1990

 Parliaments of the member countries of the Council of Europe

Relations between the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and national Parliaments, and the future role of the Council of Europe; follow-up of the Warsaw Conference; debate on the ECPRD; importance of regions in Europe; parliamentary committees of enquiry and their relationship with the judicial power

 19-20 May 1989

 Parliaments of EU member countries

European Parliaments in view of Europe 1993. Ways to conduct EU affairs and cooperation between Houses; Community Law and its application in non-central states; parliamentary control over foreign policy, Parliaments and European political cooperation; results of the Conference of the Presiding Officers of the Parliaments of Europe, the United States and Canada

 24-25 June 1988

 Parliaments of the member countries of the Council of Europe

The European challenge and Parliaments; parliamentary relations with international organisations; the results of the Strasbourg Conference on parliamentary democracy; report on the ECPRD activity and programme; Conference of the Presiding Officers of the Parliaments of Europe, the U.S. and Canada

 12-13 June 1987

 Parliaments of EU member countries

Prospects about the European Single Act; application of EU Directives within member states; cooperation between national parliamentary committees and the European Parliament; elections with direct universal suffrage for the European Parliament; cooperation between the Secretaries General of national Parliaments and the European Parliament through the ECPRD

 6-7 June 1986

 Parliaments of the member countries of the Council of Europe

The image of Parliaments among citizens; cooperation among Parliaments

 7-8 June 1985

 Parliaments of EU member countries

EU situation and prospects; cooperation between national Parliaments and the European Parliament

 15-16 June 1984

 Parliaments of the member countries of the Council of Europe

 25-26 November 1983

 Parliaments of EU member countries

 4-5 June 1982

 Parliaments of the member countries of the Council of Europe

 3-4 July 1981

 Parliaments of EU member countries

 30-31 May 1980

 Parliaments of the member countries of the Council of Europe

 22-24 June 1978

 Parliaments of the member countries of the Council of Europe

 10-11 June 1977

 Parliaments of the member countries of the Council of Europe

 9-10 July 1976

 Parliaments of the member countries of the Council of Europe

 26-27 September 1975

 Parliaments of the member countries of the Council of Europe

 7 January 1975

 Parliaments of EU member countries

 15 January 1973

 Parliaments of EU member countries

 11 January 1963

 Parliaments of EU member countries