Indice delle note*

1. Speaker of the House of Commons

2. Chairman of Ways and Means - Deputy Chairmen

3. Clerks at the Table

4. Private business

5. Committee of the Whole House

6. Order Paper - Orders of the day

7. Opposed business

8. Motion - Resolution - Order - Substantive and Subsidiary Motion

9. Motion for the Adjournement of the House - Adjournment Debate

10. Private Notice Questions - Business Statement

11. Table Office - Table of the House - Journal Office - Public Bill Office

12. Order Book

13. Whips - Usual Channels

14. Leader of the House - Leader of the Opposition

15. Vote Office - Vote Bundle ("The Vote")

16. Act of Parliament - Statute

17. Delegated legislation - Affirmative/Negative resolution procedure - Deregulation order

18. Order in Council

19. Clerk of the Crown in Chancery

20. Parliamentary Questions - Question Time

21. Early Day Motion

22. Tellers - Division - Quorum

23. Serjeant at Arms

24. Public Money

25. Provisional Order - Provisional Order Bill

26. Journal of the House - Official Report (Hansard)

27. Law Commission - Consolidation Bill - Statute Law Repeal Bill

28. Examiners of Petitions

29. Financial Privilege

30. Standing Committees - Chairmen's Panel - Committee of Selection

31. Law Officers (Attorney General; Solicitor General; Advocate General for Scotland)

32. Scotland Office

33. Moment of interruption

34. Wales Office

35. Nothern Ireland Office

36. Select Committees

37. House of Commons Commission

38. Officers of the House

39. Board of Management

40. Accounting Officer

41. Appropriation Accounts - National Audit Office (NAO) - Value for Money Reports - Resource Accounts

42. Public Petitions

43. Court of law - Tribunal

* Per favorire la comprensione dei riferimenti a particolari procedure e figure istituzionali tipiche dell’ordinamento giuridico e del diritto parlamentare inglese la traduzione è stata corredata dalle note qui indicate in cui vengono sommariamente descritte, anche in relazione alla prassi parlamentare ed alle consuetudini costituzionali, l’organizzazione delle procedure e la funzione istituzionale delle figure di volta in volta considerate.